Traditional Diversion

Engaging youth through tailored, supervised interventions for a more stable trajectory in life

An approach designed based on individualized needs of each youth to provide interventions to aid in the youth's ability to be redirected from the justice system through short term programming, supervision, and supports.
We provide individualized interventions

Through an intake process to understand the skillsets, challenges, desires and hopes of our clients and families, we pair the youth with appropriate types of intervention services. 

Community based services with licensed professionals aimed at identifying, supporting, addressing, and stabilizing of mental health disorders,  and supporting the identification, reduction and elimination of substance use disorders. 

Providing accountable support, oversight, and education in paying back monetary losses to victims of a criminal or delinquent act.

Engaging youth to participate and give back to their communities by donating their time and skills to aid in improving and bettering their community.  

Repairing the harm done and rebuilding relationships with the youth and the community. Results are measured by how much repair was done rather than by how much punishment was inflicted. 

Curriculum designed to be short term and specific to identified needs of a youth. This includes anger management, chemical health education, cognitive behavioral therapy, and violence prevention to name a few.

What We Do

We connect with youth between the ages of 10 and 24 who are involved in the legal system by engaging in positive interventions to take accountability of delinquent and criminal actions while supporting them in addressing causes of this behavior. Attention is given to addressing all barriers which could or have directly contributed the youth to be involved in the legal system. Each intervention is determined on the delinquent or criminal act and the identified needs of the youth.


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